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Thursday, July 19, 2007

We have been enjoying some meals outside, but this moment at the picnic table was short lived as Kaela kept falling out the back! You'll notice that Cameron is wearing a "piggy". He doesn't like to be left out, so when I do Mikaela's hair he also wants his done. We got it cut the day after this was taken, so now it is too short!

After seeing Amy and her kids with dinosaurs, Cameron was just obsessed with them. He calls them "sinodaurs" and it's just too cute to correct him. Kyle went to the Dollar store and bought him a few, and then after a particularly well behaved haircut bought him a few more. They watched as he ate some noodles...

We went to the dr last week and he is sending her for more tests. They want to be sure that everything is ok with her since she is so young to have an UTI. The tests will be in about a week and hopefully they will come out ok.

We are still showing the house and have had some interest--just waiting for the offers to start coming in! Hopefully it will be soon so we don't have to continue to live like we are in a museum! On the other hand, it's been nice having a really clean house for once!

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