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monday, monday  

Monday, February 12, 2007

Last night when Kyle and I went to bed, I heard Cameron yelling, "NO! NO" and freaking out. I ran upstairs and because his room was dark I couldn't see anything. As I got closer and could touch him and feel that he was completely naked. His pj's were around his ankles and he was holding his diaper in his hand. I have no idea what the deal was (besides just being 2). Then we had a trying evening tonight. Kyle was at the gym and Cameron really has not had enough sleep between last night's fiasco and not sleeping well for his nap. He finally hit the point where I had to just put him in his crib and walk away. I went to get Kaela up from her nap and the next thing I heard was 2 bangs and I saw Cameron laying on his back on the floor. Luckily he's ok, but he did calm down after that. Two toddler milestones (getting naked and climbing out of his crib) within 24 hrs. phew...

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