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a few thoughts  

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I don't know what I will do when Oprah no longer does her show. I don't watch daily, I record them on my DVR and watch (usually bits and pieces) when I have time. I skip the ones that don't mean much to me, but the ones that do are usually the spiritual ones/books, money matters, things that are out of the ordinary (that's my Jerry Springer side).

Today when I was watching, I had to pause the show to think about what was being said. I love those moments. I often have them when I am reading something and have to go back and re-read the passage again, just because it was so well written or it really spoke to me. I like to re-read really digest what it means to me. That's when I know it's good (the book or show).

What will I do when I don't have Oprah pushing me forward on my spiritual path? Rarely do I find a way to immerse mtself in spirituality without religion being the foreground of the conversation. I love the way that Oprah takes an all inclusive perspective--don't get me wrong, she always states that for her, "it's God, " but that for everyone else--whatever works for you.

I'm struggling today. I'm struggling because I had an unpleasant incident with work and it made me really quite angry. I'm not exactly sure why I'm so angry, mostly frustrated I guess, but it upset me so much that I am completely avoiding anything to do with work. And I hate avoidance. I learned not all that long ago, that it's easier/better to deal with an unpleasant situation and get it over with, rather than try to push it away. All the while, it will still be there in the back of my head. If I just deal with it, I can move on a whole lot faster. And in most cases, the situation isn't as bad as I think it is.

On the up side, I was talking to Cameron about being my friend to day, and he leaned in and said, "you're my best friend." I don't know where this is coming from--we've never talked about anything like that before and he's only going to be 3, but he's picked it up from somewhere and I really don't mind being on the receiving end of the label!

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