Seeing Santa
Saturday, December 22, 2007
It is a charming little store where they sell candy the old fashioned way (in the glass containers). My favorite now is the peanut squares--or whatever they are called--but my eyes used to open wide at the rock candy.
At the back of the store they have a whole room dedicated to little kids waiting to see Santa. They have displays of toys and scenes along the sides of the room and stuffed animals and toys attached to the ceiling. It's a very magical place. I remember waiting in line and just gawking at all of the toys. Speaking of lines...this is the biggest. Last night, Santa was to arrive at 6pm. We usually get there (or have someone there waiting) an hour before. My aunt warned me, so I asked Kyle to go early and I would meet him there with some sandwiches for the kids. He arrived shortly before 4:15pm. There were already 15 people ahead of him! Cami and I waited in front of the fireplace and finally down came Santa!
He spoke to all the children for just a few moments and then on to the requests. Santa really takes his time with each child and makes it a great experience for them.
Mikaela had the usual reaction for a young child, so Santa was nice enough to suggest a family photo.
Afterwards, Cameron was got to sit on his lap again and talk about the little dinosaurs he wants for Christmas.
I really don't know why he has hung on to this one request, but I'm quite thankful that we bought it for him. That's all he has been talking about. So, when we went to leave--Cameron looked at me like-um, Mom, not leaving without my dinos! I had to explain that he was just asking Santa for the dinosaurs today and he had to wait until Christmas morning to see if he brings them.
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At the back of the store they have a whole room dedicated to little kids waiting to see Santa. They have displays of toys and scenes along the sides of the room and stuffed animals and toys attached to the ceiling. It's a very magical place. I remember waiting in line and just gawking at all of the toys. Speaking of lines...this is the biggest. Last night, Santa was to arrive at 6pm. We usually get there (or have someone there waiting) an hour before. My aunt warned me, so I asked Kyle to go early and I would meet him there with some sandwiches for the kids. He arrived shortly before 4:15pm. There were already 15 people ahead of him! Cami and I waited in front of the fireplace and finally down came Santa!

All in all, worth the wait!
December 22, 2007 at 3:42 PM
Note to readers, this blog is one sided only. For the other point of view (mainly the father who waited in line for 2 hours-listening to the one drunk father in the back, several children running into him, and seeing the nice bench only 6 people ahead of him, yet not within butt-reach, and of course, the nano-second Kalea lasted when she finally reached Santa; after 1/2 hour of keep her happy)please close your eyes and picture the above parenthesis and smile. Merry Christmas.