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tired, so...very...tired  

Friday, January 11, 2008

I've started oh, maybe 3 blog posts in the past few days. I start typing and my eyes start drooping. I realize that I am way too tired to write anything coherent. Kaela has had a cough and has been up hacking the night away. I found out she has bronchiolitis but is not serious. It just keeps us up all night. In addition, I have developed my own hack attack every night. It starts with that little tickle, I quickly dismiss it. And then, the cough laughs at me and says, "you cannot ignore ME!" and I start gagging, hacking, and generally shaking the whole bed so as to make sure Kyle has fully awoken from his peaceful sleep. Then, I get the run away nose drip. You know the one--suddenly without warning your nose just starts running like a leaky faucet and you rush like hell to grab the tissue, but, well, sometimes it runs a little farther than you would like it to. Even in your dreamy state, you know this is utterly gross. So, to try and anticipate another run away snot, you stuff your tissue up your nose and leave it--half in, half out--so you don't have to wake to catch, or is that just me?

I've been so tired in the morning that I have actually had the good ol' college "let's ditch!" thoughts. Except, I'm not in college and I have two kids. And a mortgage. Responsibilities. UGH, damn my grown up life. After I get going, have a couple coffees, I'm all good. But then I sit down to write--and I'm exhausted. LIke, EXHAUSTED. Um, so why am I still here...goin' to bed.

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