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decisions, decisions  

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Do I steal a (large) spoonful of hot fudge or warm up some 6 hr old coffee. Needless to say I chose the coffee. HA. And how disappointed I was when I couldn't get the damn cap off the hot fudge. I couldn't even bang it or throw it or anything because the kids, or at least Mikaela, are sleeping. Hmm...I could have run it under hot water. Ahh, but that is way too much work. So my older than dirt coffee and I are sitting here contemplating Oprah, my book that I have been reading for 2 months, or a little nap. My eyes are telling me, skip the coffee, throw all the clean laundry piled on the couch somewhere else and go to sleep! I don't know why I am so tired right now. I did go to the gym, but all I did was take a tour. Is is possible to lose weight by just taking the tour? Of course there was Cameron's haircut afterward and Mikaela's uber breakdown of all breakdowns in our driveway. All because I held her balloon so it wouldn't fly away. An hour later I was able to get her calm enough to eat and then throw her in bed.

All I have to say is that if my husband doesn't come home with some Edy's Chocolate Brownie Frozen Yogurt (and some creamer, sweetie. we are out) then...well, nothing will happen because I love him and need him and my house is a mess and I feel terribly guilty for not cleaning. Or cooking. Or pretty much doing anything useful. But I did calm down a nearly two year old for an hour. That must deserve some kind of praise!

note: i have a post waiting to be published. i spent a longer than long time trying to get the video to upload. with any luck it will be up tonight, but be forewarned. it's not the happiest of all posts, but it's me and it's real and well, guess you'll just have to read it and see.

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