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"F"ing Good Day  

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The forecast for the whole weekend is RAINY. Oh how disappointing. We got up today and just felt like doing
something. We made a spur of the moment decision and decided that we all needed some fresh air and Fun.

We headed out to a nearby state park--another reason why we love this area: 3 state parks within 10 minutes. We got a little exercise in, watched some soccer practice (Cam is excited to start!), and played on a great playground. It was exciting to see that the kids were able to finally navigate a playground on their own without much help from us. I usually find myself following behind them with my hands up in the air, waiting for the inevitable fall. We walked around the park some more and went down to the lake. It was beautiful by this time, with perfectly mild weather. Before we left I grabbed a couple Lunchables I had picked up the other day, so the kids had a little picnic. It was a perfect day and exactly what I needed...

Family, Fun, and Free.

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