Exercise update
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I did not make it out that next day. I had a late night with the Direct TV customer service and after 80 minutes, 4 different service reps, 1 supervisor, and 1 cancellation representative I finally got my second DVR for $19.95 shipping and handling fees. This was compared to the $250 the service reps and supervisor had told me I would have to pay. FYI, we just cancelled Dish and went to Direct and when cancelling Dish they offered me free HBO, etc for so many months and when I still said no then they offered me $10 off my bill for 10 months. They really like their customers!!
Anyway, I didn't make it out on Wednesday or whenever it was but I did make it out on Friday. And boy did my legs hurt the next day! Just not used to jogging I guess. The other downer is that I can't get the Nike+ thing to work. I'll have to call about that, but until then I have just been using that Podrunner podcast to help keep the pace and I love it! I don't have to watch the time or think about it--just run when it tells me! So far 2 days of jogging intervals, 1 day of Tae Bo (ha, ha), and lots of treadmill/elliptical minutes. Yea me.
Thursday I get a re-check on my BMI and measurements. It will have 3 weeks of working out and 9 days with my trainer. And a word about a trainer...it's pricey for sure. I love the workout and I totally think it's worth it, however this money is not coming out of my pocket. Every year we are given a health fund through work that will reimburse us for certain types of health and medical expenses. Lucky for me it includes working out and training so this is how I pay for it. It's not going to last much longer and I will be really sad when it runs out. Hopefully, I will be able to continue on my own and keep up the pace. I just love that he makes me work so much harder than I can make myself, he thinks of the exercises, and he makes sure that I am doing them all correctly and not injuring myself.
A few funny stories thus far: I am a total fool. The first day I walked in to the gym it had been a couple weeks since I had a quick tour. I couldn't remember where the locker room was and I totally walked into a closet. Some weight lifter guy was standing right there as I did it.
Chris, the trainer from hell, made me do squat thrusts. Remember those from high school? I hated them then too...the exercise room was being used so there I was out on the floor for the whole gym to see me attempt these damn things--with weights!! At the beginning I was struggling to thrust my legs all the way back and by the end I could barely stand myself up. It was torture and I hated it every second. Weight lifter guy? Yeah, he was totally laughing right beside me.
Another day I went to hop on the elliptical and couldn't get it working. There was a plug out and I wondered whether I should plug it in? At this time of the morning there really aren't any employees around so weight lifter guy was there and I asked his opinion--plug it in? He didn't know--as clueless as I was.
The next time I went in I forgot my work clothes. Had to go all the way home or go to work naked--or stinky. Did everyone a favor and went home.
Today I saw weight lifter guy again. I think he is my friend. He must feel my pain somehow, but not really. He said "hi".
Another guy, I briefly spoke with about the broken elliptical, is very overweight. But he is there and he is working out and working hard. I am so proud of him every time I see him and have now secretly dubbed him my "biggest loser."
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