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Who's in control  

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Both of our kids have been "paci" lovers. Cameron used to love his pacifier as if it were his best friend. Kaela clings to hers for comfort any time of the day. With Cameron we were at least able to leave his in his crib/bed during the day, but Kaela can just run back into her room and grab it. Even if I hide it from her...she just whines for it. So we cut the end of it, as we did for Cameron but unlike Cameron, Kaela refused to put it in her mouth. However, she still clings to it by holding it in her hand when she goes to bed. Quite frankly, I don't care as long as it isn't in her mouth. So we told her a story about the Paci Fairy coming to take all of the paci's away and the only one left was this one with a "big bite" out of it. We had to keep telling her "this is all there is". She accepted it fairly quickly (with several more "this is all there is") and has adjusted really well--I can't complain. Today she must have had it out and about in our house and we were having trouble locating it for nap time. I finally found it and told her that she had better be careful because if we lose this paci, that's all there is. I then asked her for another hug and kiss before bed and she said, "that's all there is Mommy."

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