tricks and treats
Monday, November 3, 2008
OK, look at this tiny little seed he pulls out...WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF BOY?! DIG IN!!

I love the picture below simply because Kaela and I have the same hairdo!

The Witch, the Ladybug, and Thomas!

Trick or Treat!!

This time last year, I officially fell in love with our town. The whole town gathers at the firehall and parades behind a fire truck down to our one stop light. It's the cutest thing.

Afterwords they serve cider and donuts. We make sure that we go say hello to our neighbor who volunteers for the event and then we go home. I think there is a costume contest and maybe a few other things, but the kids are worn out by that time. And I know Kyle and I are ready to call it a night!
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