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ice cream cone cupcakes  

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I am writing this as my 2 year old is screaming, “MAMA!” at the top of her lungs. It is 2:19pm—an hour and 19 minutes at least—after her nap time. I may lose my mind while I am writing this. OR, I may just transport myself to a magical land of writing where there are no screaming mini-blondes pleading for some inaudible wish.

As for the real reason for this post today…cupcakes! And no ordinary cupcakes at that—ice cream cone cupcakes! I am a proud child of the 80's where she who has the cool cupcakes is Queen of the Classroom. I have been waiting 25 years to make these bad boys, but feared the level of difficulty. Um, I don't know. I guess it's the fear of the unknown. Cammie turned 4 last week and I finally decided it was time. I may get some real appreciation from these 4 year olds--not like those 3 year olds who may not recognize coolness when they see it.

They were actually really easy to make and decorate. The problem lies in transportation--there's just no good way. If anyone would like to join me in reviving the coolness of these cupcakes and create an ice cream cone cupcake holder--I'm totally in.

PS I don't know about the 4 year olds, but I think I'm kinda awesome.

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