i'm missing you
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Kyle and I used to spend all summer together BK (before kids) and when school would start up again, I would have an adjustment time where I would miss him terribly. It would happen every year. (OK, so it was really only 1 or 2 summers, but still...)I find that when I have an extra day off due to a holiday and have to get back into my routine, I feel the same way about the kids. I was lucky enough to have 4 full days with them--let me rephrase that 4 GOOD days with them! I enjoy my work, but I really just wanted to spend today with them as well. I thought about them all day and couldn't wait to get home to see them. As soon as I walked in the door, Mikaela walked came over to me with a huge smile and said, "Mama!" She threw her arms around me and I just melted. Cameron used to do the same, but the tv was on and he was tuned in. He eventually did make his way over. Sometimes Cameron will come over to me and say, "Mama, I'm missing you." Just love it. So today the kids were off to Grandma's house and I just had separation anxiety all day. The upside? I get to stay home with them tomorrow.
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