hakuna matata
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Will there ever be a time when I can say, "I have nothing to do right now"? Many times I say, "I don't feeling like doing that, that or that, so I don't really have much to do". The list of "to do's" is never ending but...I'll just keep chugging along and maybe some day I'll be sitting on the beach in Hawaii...speaking of Hawaii--hey, I have some readers there! Welcome, Hawaii!! Oh yeah... that's just my mom and my aunt sun bathing and...reading my blog? YOU'RE IN HAWAII FOR PETE'S SAKE! Stop reading my boring blog. Or am I that interesting...you can't stay away...you are addicted to me! Gonna have to face it your addicted to Mel. Ha.
I wish I had some interesting photos to share. I do, but they are in my camera and I think the camera is downstairs. Or maybe it's 10 feet away, but in either case it's not within arms reach and since I'M not in Hawaii but instead cuddled under my *favorite* Christmas present...then I'm not going to get up and get it. So there.
Did I mention that I'm not in Hawaii? But, guess who is...these fools:

They think think they are so funny sending me pictures from their iPhone. 1. they have an iPhone 2. they send me pictures from their lanai. Yes, I'm going to post your photos for the world to see.
OK, I'm really not that bitter. Really. Here's me being nice and sweet: The first pic is my step father, Don, and my Aunt Chris. The next is my mom and Don again. It's my mom's iPhone so she is the one taking the pics, and poor Don is probably being forced to stand and pose or he will have to withstand a brutal whipping from a lei. Ok, I'm not bitter, but I'm not sweet either. Listen, I have another puking kid--how nice can I be right now? Luckily, I wasn't the target this time. Only the kitchen and the living room floor got hit. And she sang after each time. She doesn't seem sick. I think she's faking to get out of our playgroup tomorrow. I wouldn't put it past her.
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