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Amy Anne  

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fourteen years ago I pledged a sorority. Say what you will about Greek life, but some of those girls are still the best friends I have ever and will ever have. As with all of my great friendships, I met Amy and well, it wasn't love at first sight. She was fine, I didn't hate her, but it wasn't an instant connection. (She will say the same) I honestly can't remember when or how, but at some point shortly after meeting we did make that connection and we have been inseparable (at least in our hearts) ever since.

Amy and I just click. She is definitely my yin to her yang. We could not be more opposite in personality except for one thing: we LOVE to have a good time. You could drop us in the middle of the desert and we would have the best damn white girl sunburned time of our lives. Now that we are older and more mature (not really) I have mellowed out and she has become more confident and independent. We have shared motherhood, support, tears, laughs and everything in between. She is the person I can tell everything and anything and not worry about being judged. I hope she feels the same about me.

Amy is always giving and taking care of everyone else. She amazes me with her strength. Everyone, EVERYONE, needs a pat on the back once in a while. Everyone needs to know that they are loved and appreciated. Everyone needs to know that, on your birthday, it is YOUR day. You are the princess every day, but on your birthday you get to act like it.

Amy was sick for her birthday. Her kids were sick on her birthday. Her husband was sick on her birthday. It's hard to feel like a princess when everyone is puking around you. (This isn't her 21st birthday. And if it were, she would be puking peas. Of all things, peas. Why would you eat peas, Amy? That wasn't very nice. I hate peas. But I love you, so I forgive you. Even though it's been twelve years, I can get past it now).

Amy's best friend (that would be me) is, well, an idiot. And while I did make the best friend birthday call, I did not send out the carefully picked, pre-bought birthday card. I couldn't find my address book to save my life. Not even when my cell phone died on said birthday call and had to try to call back on my home phone. No address book. Had to dig out the charger. The things I do for my friends...JK. Seriously, I am (in Kyle's words) a dink and not only wanted to actually send a pre-bought birthday card on time, but wanted to write a lovely post with pictures about how much I love my best friend. So, here I am a week later with a belated (no picture, at least at time of publishing) post, birthday card waiting on the counter, but nothing but love and appreciation for my very best friend.


PS If you say Amy Anne really slow, it sounds like you are saying, "hey, man" go ahead, try it. It's funny. And I am so envious of the "e". I have just plain jane old "ann" for a middle name. She's so lucky.

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1 comments: to “ Amy Anne

  • Who's Ondek?
    April 1, 2008 at 8:04 AM  

    I have never ever had anyone say such sweet things about me, let alone write an entire blog post about me...well yeah i have it just wasn't a nice one!! :) Thank you so much and you know that I think of you the same way. I love you very much and cannot wait to see you again.

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