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olympic hiatus  

Monday, August 18, 2008

No really, I do write a my spare time. I know, it's not looking like much and quite frankly I just can't get around to posting about our vacation or the other crazy things going on. Like, we went to a farm festival yesterday...and ooh and awwed over tractors. Really.

So, sorry I've been way too busy watching the Olympic marathon. Because what could possibly be more exciting than watching a marathon. Wait, oh yes, they are still running. Admittedly, toward the end it was exciting. The middle parts, well, not so much. And now gymnastics are over and Michael Phelps is taking over the world.

And then there's the complete exhaustion going on. I think my eating is not up to par and with all the working out I've been doing (yea me) I have been tired from about 2pm on. Stay tuned...

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