someday you'll find it, the rainbow connection...
Friday, February 6, 2009
This was my favorite song when I was a kid. I LOVED rainbows and not just a little. My *dream* room had an ever-expansive rainbow painted across the entire wall. That was awesome. I had Peanuts rainbow curtains to match. I would have painted myself a rainbow if I could have. I've never been much of an artist, but hand me a few Crayola markers and I will draw the most beautiful rainbow any 8 year old could ever do.
When I saw the picture, I had to hop right on over and see what this food dream come true could possible be! I linked this recipe on the right, but I had to write about it, too. The pictures are just so rainbowly spectacular. (Note the new word for the week--this is becoming a habit.)
The Omnomicon
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