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Gourmet Dinner  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kyle went out with some friends from work for happy hour tonight..the nerve. I mean, the man goes out every....(we've been married 7 years, umm...carry the one...) once every 2 or 3 years by himself.

It's just happy hour so I made this casserole that he loved last week. Anyone else make this? I'm having some trouble. Last week I forgot to put the foil on so I guessed that was why it wasn't cooking in an hour. I tried again this week--with foil--but we are going on 2 hours now (and I even kicked the temp up to 400 degrees!) So, I'm still waiting for him to come home, the casserole's not done and I'm starving. I already gave the kids some turkey dogs and decided to make a peanut butter and jelly graham cracker sandwich. This is totally my favorite thing lately. My mom used to make them occasionally when we were kids (probably because we ran out of bread? At least that's when I brought them out of the closet at our house!) But I know that she really liked them, too. I thought they were ok back then, but preferred my starchy white yummy smooshy bread. Not that I miss white bread or anything. And maybe because I am off white bread that these are so appealing to me. Either that or I'm an old mom. he he.

When I was a kid, my favorite sandwich was a PB & J with a slice of bologna in the middle. Yum, I know you are all grossed out, but I have always loved it. I love all things salty and sweet and I think that was the pull with that one. If only I had bologna (or ate lunch meat) I could really relive my youth right now.

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