a whole lotta nuttin
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Things have taken a turn in my world and thus I have become silent. I did finish the Twilight series in record time (for me) and loved it. L.O.V.E.D. it. I don't care if it is teen-angst-first-vampire-love-stuff. I dig it. And yes, the gardening is taking over my life again, but things with my job have been clouding my mind. I really don't want to air it all out here, but the gist of it is that I hope to continue to have a job. For about a week there was so much drama going on in my office that I was sick about it. I don't usually work in the office, so once I left I felt so much better and got back into the swing of things. I have occasional reminders that I'm not as safe as I used to be, but I keep telling myself that worrying about it isn't going to change the outcome. All I can do is keep doing what I'm doing and wait to see how it all unfolds--hard thing for a "planner" to do. The good thing is, that it has nothing to do with my performance. Just a shift in management, combination of departments, and possible weird certification/tenure/seniority stuff (of which the tenure and seniority I gave up when going part-time).
I don't know if it is all the drama and the stress, or I'm just tired, or what, but I haven't been experimenting with recipes, writing or reading blogs...I've just kinda been blah. Not that I'm moping around the house, but I certainly don't feel like myself lately. Hmmm...or maybe it's that pesky little pill. TMI? Probably. Oh well. Deal with it.
On top of everything--or maybe because of everything--MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY. Like seriously, crazy. I'm definitely ready for some consistently nice weather (yeah right) and get them outside and on some trails. Usually they can't fight over toys or poke each other, or steal each others whatevers when we are hiking. I see a lot of that in our future. That and the beach..ooh, can't wait for the beach days.
And then next week Kaela turns 3...how in the world is that happening? It blows my mind. And when I start to think forward, it all seems like it's about to go in fast forward. I think I stole some extra time with Cameron having the late birthday and having to wait another year to start school (2nd year of PreK next year). After that, Kaela starts and then it just keeps going. I feel like I should have that extra year with her, too! With all of their driving me craziness, I'm not as sad about them going off to school, but also with all the job uncertainty going on I'm facing the reality of full-time work. I haven't worked full time in 4 years...it will be quite a change for our household when that happens. Will I have the time to blog (forget thinking about the blahs), will I have time to cook? yikes...anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Kaela...so my little girl is turning 3...
Hope I haven't lost you all--or at least not permanently. I'm sure I'll be back to my old self at some point. Until then, just enjoy the music. I know I hop on my own blog just to hear "Beautiful Life" and it makes me feel like everything is great :)
May 15, 2009 at 11:00 AM
Sorry to hear about the job - keep you r spirits up!