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To Pee or Naught to Pee  

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's here. The time that most parents look forward to from the first diaper change...DIAPER FREEDOM!! Mikaela has been wearing "big girl underwears" for about a year now and took to potty training very well. She was very motivated--such a difference from Cameron. We bribed that kid with everything under the sun, but he was having none of it. Kaela barely had to be prompted, until the novelty wore off and her independence kicked in. Even then, it wasn't as daunting a task as training Cameron (and a lot earlier than him, too). Throughout the year she would have anywhere from a few accidents a day to a couple a week. Within the last month (she turned 3 two months ago) she completely stopped the once-a-week accidents, and within the last month she has been waking up dry every morning. About two weeks ago we started sending her to bed with no pull-up on and she hasn't had a single accident! Again, so different from her big brother.

I feel a rush of freedom, or a realization that...this is it. Cameron and Mikaela are "big kids" now--it's official. And I feel great about it, but part of me is saying, "be careful, don't grow up too fast." I guess I'm fearing a slippery slope scenario. In any case, with the good comes the..."COME. ON. Are you kidding me?"

Why is it that my daughter must visit every public bathroom in the vicinity--twice?! This is one problem that I didn't have with Cam. It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, but if she is even remotely aware that there is a bathroom in the area--SHE HAS TO GO. OK, so she's just being careful and doesn't want to have an accident, you say. Maybe, but why, after 10 minutes of going, does she have to go again?? Or, even worse--when we are in BJ's in the farthest corner of the entire place with a full cart of groceries--I HAVE TO GO POTTY. Or my favorite, "Mommy, I have to go POOOOOOPPPPIIIEEEE."

And while we are on the subject of going...I have always shyed away from allowing my son to go outside. Even though we are in a remote area with no neighbors on two sides, I just didn't want him to get into that habit. I know of kids who suddenly feel the freedom to let loose wherever they are and (LOL) Cameron already had a surprise poop in my aunt's yard when I let him run naked for a few minutes outside. I thought it was hilarious, and my young male cousins will probably never forget it as long as the live. Anyway, the kid doesn't need any ideas. Well, of course boys will be boys and men will be men. Kyle has taught and allowed him an occasional outside pee and knowing this, Cameron has suggested to me several times while playing outside that he, "isn't going to make it." The bathroom is right inside and probably closer than the closest tree, but outside seems like the better option. Or on a recent walk out back to the lake, he refused to go back to the house and wanted to pee in the neighbor's yard. It's not a constant battle at this point, and I will continue to fight it as the situation arises. I'm just not ready to teach my daughter the finer art of squatting in the woods. You know, the whole balancing act, proper squat format, don't pee on your shoes!, and watch out for the bugs...she's got her college years to learn that.

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