Christmas Card Mayhem
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
You are just going to get blasted with post after post--none in any sort of order.
This year seems to be the year of the stray card. I pride myself (actually I'm astonished at myself) in having an updated Christmas card list all ready and waiting for me each year. Seriously, I'm surprised each year that I am that organized. This year...I seemed to have dropped the ball--big time. Not only did I run out of Christmas cards (I had extras last year!) but one came back with the wrong address and two are still sitting here waiting to be addressed. I didn't even make it in time for the "New Year" crowd.
So, in case you didn't receive yours this year--I apologize--and offer up this post instead.
We took hundreds of pictures (in low light) to try to get the kids looking all cute in their Christmas clothes. First of all--reality check--Cameron refused to wear the sweater vest I bought him (can't blame is a sweater vest after all) and Kaela's sweater to match didn't fit anyhow. I scrapped that idea and went with the clothes they already had. I could only get Cameron to wear the sweater because I made it sound very exciting that there was a dog on the front.
So, this is the best shot of the two of them together (not blurry)
Obviously, not card-worthy. Here's a little diddy about the real pic:
who thought they were very bad ass.
E'ry night their parents pleaded and tried
to make the children cover their backside.
Alas, the children struggled and squirmed
until out of their parents arms they wormed
and ran naked to feel fancy and free.

caption read: Visions of sugar bums danced in their heads...
Yes, my children have a streaking party every night before they get their pj's on. To them, it's the best, and most freeing, part of the day. As soon as that time came, they calmed down, listened and actually held hands in front of the tree. All was right with the world for 2.3 seconds...
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