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New Year's  

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Told ya...these posts are just gonna keep coming at ya. Bam!

I don't particularly like New Year's. I used to look forward to it when I was oh, maybe 14 because I could sneak some Dr McGillicuddy's shots and some screwdrivers without so much as a glance from mom and dad. The best was when I told Jenny that the McGillicuddy's was water so she downed it and then immediately spit it back out (ever had mint schnapps--especial?ly when you weren't expecting it?) Ah...good times.

Then there was the year that the only reason I was awake was because I was breastfeeding Cameron. I am a party animal. But, this year, THIS YEAR, we have shiny new friends! Friends, who have kids of the same age (almost exactly--I'll probably mention this 100 more times before 2008 is over). Friends, who live .6 mi down the road! Friends, who feel our pain of stinky diary farm even more than us (they live directly in front of the dairy farm).

So, things didn't go exactly as planned, but as I mentioned their kids are the same ages (19 mo and 3) and so when you have young kids you have to be flexible and ready to change venue at any moment. We hung at their place, stayed awake until 1am, had a few drinks, some good conversation, and I only woke up with a mild sinus headache. All in all, the best new year's in a really long time!

Now, for the resolutions...I really don't like resolutions. Just because it's a new year is not a good enough reason for me to give up...anything. I never keep them, or really even think about them past 12:02am. I usually just bypass the whole thing. If I'm going to resolve to change my life, it's going to happen because I want or need it to. That said, I've decided to complete my adventure in scrapbooking the kids baby books in 2008. I started with the traditional book, and then got into digital scrapbooking, and now have a friend who will help me be creative enough to do the paper stuff, too. (BTW, my shiny new friend--here on out known only as "shiny" apparently is a scrapper. I always suspected--she is kinda tough--but apparently this is the lingo for the chicks who carry their craft supplies in luggage) JUST KIDDING. Seriously, I could get mobbed by these scrappers--I think they are some kind of crazy cult. No really, I would absolutely love to be that creative and organized. And cute.

So, here's Mikaela's baby book:

What more could she possibly need? What has happened in the past 19 months that needs to be documented?, after those 2 books I need to work on the family album as well. Lots of work ahead of me. This blog is supposed to make that transition easier, but I said "ass" in my last post. I think it's ok because I said "bad" in front of it. Yep, it's definitely all good. I checked with all of the other mommy bloggers. They whole heartedly agree with me calling my children bad-ass.

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