Lookin' for blog in all the wrong places...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I must have too much time on my hands. I don't feel like I do, but I seem to be running out of blogs to read. I open up my lovey laptop and check email...no, nothing interesting there (delete pottery barn, wegman's, bob greene, and other various time wasting emails I get and never read), check my google reader and oh too many times there are not enough posts to keep me occupied. I really look forward to hearing from my fellow bloggers, and although I prefer a short post to a long one, apparently I need a wide variety. So...I checked my google analytics and I know you're out there...send me some blog love. What are your favorite blogs to read?
Since I don't have anything new to read, I guess I am off to make good on my non-New Year's resolution and work on some scrapbook stuff. Actually, since I'm on the topic--you should check out 2 Peas in a Bucket, my favorite scrapbooking website. They have some great free stuff for digital scrappers (picking up the lingo already...) as well as traditional stuff. I get (steal) some great ideas from them and have even bought a few kits.
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