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cardio my ass off  

Thursday, July 17, 2008

gym membership...check
sore muscles so bad that I waddle when I walk...check, check, check

...ok I suck at cardio. I hate it. I have no problems working with a trainer, lifting weights being sore, but the cardio is all on my own. I work out on Tues and Thurs mornings before work and on Saturday mornings, so on the work days I am rushing off. Sorry, Chris, no time for cardio now!! Saturday I was forced by shame to stay and do some cardio but after killer walking lunges with weights...I was hanging on the treadmill and/or elliptical for dear life. Then I went to dinner with some friends from Stroller Strides that I haven't seen in quite a while. I was shocked to see one of them walk in looking fabulous and buff. Apparently, the Striders have picked up the pace and some of them have started running. Those bitches. I have to run. One problem--I am so not a runner. I'm the girl in high school when everyone was training for the track team joined up because...well, who knows what the hell I was thinking. I've never been athletic. Anyway, I recall one practice where we had gotten about 4oo yards away from the high school and I thought I was dying from cramps. My loyal friend, Lisa, went back to the coach with me and explained the problem. HE said (sort of sheepishly), " I totally understand." Suddenly I realized he thought we mean period cramps. I wanted out of it so badly I went along with it. "Yes, menstrual cycle....cramping...very painful...must stop running...forever." I ended up as the co-stats girl along with Jenny, who later fainted when I didn't show up to a track meet. Literally. Sorry, Jenn. I was not about to stand out in that cold, rainy weather. I'm sure I had very important (boys) things going on.

I am determined to make this exercising thing count. I was pretty successful at losing weight over the course of a year after Mikaela was born. I've gained about 9ish lbs since March (argh, fudge), so that plus the extra 25 I still wanted to lose...well, I've got some work ahead of me. Let's-go-car-di-o.

I borrowed Kyle's Nike+ iPod thing and have myself all set up. I found the couch to 5k website and a very cool podcast from podrunner with intervals. I'm all set. All I have to do it. Tomorrow is day 1--will I make it? Will I get up early enough to get a cooler run in (not really cool with the humidity around here lately)? Will this sore throat that has suddenly come on (for real) go away? Will I ever lose the 30ish lbs? Tune in to find out...and kick my ass if I don't--you have my permission.

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1 comments: to “ cardio my ass off

  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2008 at 8:20 PM  

    Mel I'm cracking up! I do remember why you blew off taking stats for track. You wanted to be home when Dicky delivered your newspaper. So I, of course, filled in for you. Next thing I know I go down for the count! I think I still have a bump on my head!

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